Please note that when you click ""Add To Cart,"" you agree to our no-return policy:
The sale of all items are final.
When you purchase, you are taking on the role of a technician. It is possible to cause more problems if you install the wrong part or diagnose the problem incorrectly.
We obtain our parts directly from the manufacturer or from wholesalers with broken screens or panels
We do not keep parts that may not be functional.
This is one Shop For All Brands, We have more than 20 years of experience of supplying TV parts of various brands like SAMSUNG, PANASONIC, LG, TOSHIBA, etc. in Canada.
At TV Parts Shop Canada, we have high quality LED Backlight strips available for all brands. Order now, and get the shipping in the next 24 hours at your doorstep.
Color Wheel for Samsung DLP TV H-Series